The Halcrow Foundation is funding a commercial bottled water enterprise by the Rise and Shine Academy in Nairobi, Kenya. The project will allow the school to become self-reliant, sustainable and cover its shortfall in running costs, while providing cheap clean water to the surrounding slums and local schools.
The works include the procurement and installation of the water plant equipment, the construction of a building to house the plant, along with employing and training staff to operate the plant and market and sell the water.
The Rise and Shine Academy has undertaken significant market research on the size of the local bottled water market and what prices can be charged. Half the water will be sold commercially to local kiosks, shops, clinics, schools, churches, and supermarkets. The other half will be sold at a reduced price in large jerry cans to the local slum population, and also to local schools as a community service.
David Kerr, Chair of the Halcrow Foundation says: “Profits from the sale of the water will help with the day-to-day running costs of the school, including staff wages, teaching materials, renovations and future school expansion. This project will finally enable the school to become self sufficient and sustainable.”
Better future
The Rise and Shine Academy is located in the Kawangware Slums and teaches around 170 primary school-age pupils. It was established in 1998 to educate slum children and give them a better future. However many of the children’s parents are unable to pay the low school fees and as a result the school is constantly short of funds.
The Academy has been supported since around 2005 by the Eva Reckitt Trust Fund, which bought land for the school and provides an annual grant. The Halcrow Foundation provided a grant in 2007 to cover part of the building costs.