Empowering lives, transforming communities

Our vision is a world where every person has the means to enjoy a peaceful and fulfilling life, with access to safe water, healthcare and education. To achieve this we work with funding and charity partners to sustainably improve life for communities suffering hardship in the UK, Africa and Asia.

Two children smiling
total grants awarded
projects funded
people supported

Supporting livelihood development and community infrastructure across the UK, Africa and Asia

Women using sewing machines at the Karuna sewing centre

Learn how our funding increases household food, health and income security by supporting livelihood development.

Find out how our funds improve access to education, healthcare and safe water by developing community infrastructure.

Group of people washing produce

News from Halcrow Foundation

  • Learning Centre new classroom Jan 25 1

    New classrooms inspire pupils in Zambia

    We have completed a project with Baraka Community Partnerships to build two new classrooms for primary and secondary school pupils in Kapiri-Mposhi district, Zambia.

  • EACP Faith School dormitory 1

    Dormitory project completed in Uganda

    We are delighted to complete a project to build two new dormitories for around 50 children living at school in the Bukedi region in eastern Uganda.